If you’re a political junkie or a sports fan, last weekend brought you a
game changer.
In the world of politics, South Carolina’s primary election last
Saturday was a game changer. The
winner surprised everyone and the former front-runner was left trying to figure
out what happened.
For the football world the two championship games came down to a field
goal. One team made theirs and the
other did not. In both cases a
field goal was the game changer.
In the game of life some events can become a real game changer while
others we thought were important fade in comparison. Sometimes we are surprised at how much was changed.
My life has seen several game changers. What about yours?
The first game changer in my life was a decision I made as a child about
how to interact with others.
Because I was not the firstborn, my older sibling was always two steps
ahead of me–stronger, smarter and better spoken. It was hard for me to win an argument or a game of chess!
As a result I made a decision to collect facts and evidence, as well as
develop my ‘debate’ skills. That
way I had a chance at winning! And
that decision shaped my thinking throughout my youth.
Other game changers included my choice of which college to attend (a
Christian University), my decision to propose to my girlfriend (she said
“Yes!”) and the birth of our first child.
But the most significant game changer was something else that happened
to me while still a child. It was my decision to follow Jesus Christ as my Lord
and Savior.
“Now hold on, just a minute!” you may say. “I know a lot of religious people and they don’t seem that
much different from me.”
That may be true. But in my
case, I didn’t just become more religious or ‘get religion.’
After learning the Ten Commandments I knew I had broken God’s Law. And I knew that I needed the
forgiveness and the new life that Jesus offered. But what struck me most was the relationship God promised to
have with me.
God not only gives us a new way to live through Jesus Christ, he also
promises to give us a new ability to please him. He’s not just interested in rule-keepers but in children he
can have a personal relationship with through the Bible and prayer. That’s why he is called our ‘Father.’
Jesus said that eternal life came through knowing his Father, “the only
true God.” The Bible adds that we become children of God through faith in Jesus
One of the benefits of faith in Christ is the presence of God’s Holy
Spirit in us. Jesus said he would
guide us into all truth. He also
gives us peace and a new ability to please God.
No longer did I wonder if God accepted my good works or was pleased with
me. No longer did I fear death or
standing before God. Because the
Bible says that Jesus will claim me as his own, that God forgives all my sin
and that Jesus would stand with me at the judgment of God.
God also promises to give me wisdom if I ask. He offers guidance through the Bible. And Jesus said he would even give me
words to speak should I be called on to defend my faith.
Following Jesus Christ didn’t make my life perfect, but it did relieve a
lot of stress!
I don’t know what’s going on in your life right now. But I do know that following Jesus
Christ was the best decision I ever made.
And it could be the game changer in your life that you are hoping for.
Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your