Monday, November 24, 2008


The calendar tells us it’s the week to be thankful. What if you don’t feel thankful? What if, for you, it feels more like a God-forsaken year?

The answer is to count your blessings. Celebrate God’s mercy to you. Try Thanks-Living.

I know, I know--times are tough. Unemployment is up. It’s hard to sell a house or get credit. The cost of just about everything is up. The economy seems to be in shambles.

Plus there are two seemingly endless wars going on. Many families will spend the holiday worrying about their loved ones in harm’s way. Some will wake up on Thanksgiving Day feeling like there’s more to be worried about than for which to be thankful.

Well hold on just a minute. Even though life can look pretty grim at times, it doesn’t mean God has forgotten us.

The Pilgrims knew that. So did Abraham Lincoln.

We’re not the first Americans to feel less thankful during trying times. Consider the plight of the Pilgrims before the first Thanksgiving celebration in America.

The winter of 1620 was devastating. The harvest was almost non-existent. The cold was numbing. Parents saw children die in their sleep. There wasn’t much to celebrate.

But then came the bountiful harvest of 1621. The Pilgrims gathered to thank God for blessing them. Things could have been better but they also could have been much worse.

Fast-forward 242 years after that first Thanksgiving. Listen to the words of a man who faced a different, but no less devastating trial.

Abraham Lincoln was President of half a country involved in a bloody battle with the other half. Yet in the middle of a war, he declared there was much the no longer united states could be thankful for.

On Oct. 3, 1863--just two weeks after more than 34,000 Americans were killed or wounded in the battle of Chickamauga--Lincoln issued a proclamation establishing a national day of Thanksgiving. His words bear repeating.

“The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies," he wrote. "To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added…”

Lincoln went on to observe that America was at peace with foreign nations. Farming and industry continued, as did international trade. He said, “No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.”

“It has seemed to me fit and proper,” he continued, “that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States . . . to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

If Lincoln and the Pilgrims could thank God in the midst of their trials, shouldn’t we be able to do the same? Surely our difficulties are no worse than theirs.

The Bible tells us to “Be Thankful.” It reminds us to “Sing with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, do it giving thanks to God.” That’s Thanks-Living.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Beyond Belief

Do you have strong beliefs? Then brace yourself. This could come as a shock.

It doesn’t matter what you believe.

“Say what? Now hold it right there for just a minute! All these religious people who talk about faith and ‘Just Believe’ –and now you say believing doesn’t matter? What’s up with that?”

I didn’t say believing doesn’t matter. I said it doesn’t matter WHAT you believe.

What matters is what is TRUE. Belief by itself is not enough. We must believe in truth.

Do you believe there is nothing after death? Or reincarnation? How do you know that to be true? What evidence have you found that convinced you to gamble your eternity on that belief?

Or maybe you’re an atheist. You believe there is no God. Tell me, what evidence have you found to prove that? And if there’s no evidence to prove your belief, then it’s blind faith.

Many people base their eternal future on something that isn’t fact and they haven’t fully investigated. They heard about it or read about and it sounded good to them. They hope it’s true.

Some people when asked why they believe what they do say, “I believe in my heart it’s true.”

That’s nice. But have you ever believed something with all of your heart and later found out it wasn’t true? Most of us have. Maybe it was the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny.

Many people like to think that we’re free to believe whatever we want about eternity. Sort of a “pick your own ending” approach. But we can’t all be right.

Well what if you’re wrong about eternity? Wouldn’t you want to know?

Someone might ask, “What if you Christians are wrong?” Good question.

Consider this: Christians believe in the only faith that has evidence to back it up. It’s true. If you doubt that, check out Josh McDowell’s book, “New Evidence that Demands a Verdict.”

Here’s something else: believing in Jesus Christ has changed my life. God made me a new person. I have peace. I have a purpose for my life that is greater than me.

But, in spite of all that, if I am wrong—I will die and go to my grave and that’s all there is.

But if someone chooses not to trust in Jesus Christ and then dies and is wrong, they are literally choosing hell for all of eternity. Is that a good choice?

If you sincerely seek truth I encourage you to read the Bible. Why? Here are some facts.

The Bible is the best selling book in the world. With that kind of record there’s a good chance it contains at least some truth. Why not read it and find out? Start with the Gospel of John

Another thing to consider is that the Bible claims to be written by God. What if it’s right?

Historical evidence also supports the Bible. No one has found an historical mistake anywhere in the Bible. That wouldn’t be true if only men wrote it.

What about archaeology? When I traveled to Israel, evidence was constantly being unearthed that proved the Bible to be true. To date not a single piece of archaeological evidence has been found to disprove the Bible!

Finally, the Bible is the only book in the world that contains hundreds of detailed prophecies about the future. The same cannot be said for any other “holy” book. And except for the few remaining prophecies about Jesus’ return to earth, every other prophecy has come true.

Who is the only one who can predict the future with 100% accuracy? God.

So when the Bible says about Jesus, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” –it’s worth a second look!

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Underground Behavior

Just about everyone in my town knows who Phillies’ manager Charlie Manuel is. He’s a hometown boy that grew up locally and made it to the big leagues. A real hero.

So when Philadelphia won baseball’s World Series on October 29, it was fun for me to be nearby on vacation. Phillies fans were very excited over the big win!

As plans unfolded on television for the victory parade, I never thought of going to watch it. I was there to visit relatives and that took priority. Parades are nice but family comes first.

Now if my grandchildren were with me, I might have reconsidered. Good thing I was alone.

Bob, an old friend of mine, took his grandson to the parade. He did what city officials recommended and used public transportation. And things went well until after the parade.

As they descended from the street into the subway there was a very long line. While waiting, they noticed people coming down another stairway across the street. However, the other entrance put people closer to the front of the line. And that seemed a little unfair…

When folks in Bob’s line realized what was happening, the mood changed dramatically. Instead of the happiness of the parade, there was anger. Instead of cheers there was cursing. It was underground ugliness. Bob wanted to cover his grandson’s ears!

What changed? The Phillies were still World Champions weren’t they?

Yes, but even an emotional high like winning the World Series didn’t take away the anger in peoples’ hearts. Happiness doesn’t automatically bring peace or joy. You need more than that.

Now hold it for just a minute! Say what?

If your team wins the World Series, it can change your day but it doesn’t change your heart. You’re still who you were. If you were an angry grumpy person before, that’s who you still are.

Jesus Christ said that out of the heart the mouth speaks. So what you are inside affects your speech and behavior more that what happens on the outside.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you,” said Jesus. “I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Later he added, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness depends on what happens in your life. That’s why it’s called “happiness.”

Joy grows out of a hopeful, trusting, and peaceful confidence that everything is OK because God is in control. As a result, even when bad things happen, a Christian can have joy.

So what about Bob? He said it took an hour and a half to get on the subway train. Frustrating? Yes. Worth getting angry or losing one’s temper over? No.

A Christ follower, a child of God through faith in Christ, can behave the same way in a long underground subway line as he does above ground at a parade. Why? Because faith in Jesus Christ changes your heart. God replaces self-centered anger with God-centered peace.

The Bible confirms this when it says, “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come!” If that’s not you, then check out your relationship with God.

Now don’t get me wrong. Christians aren’t perfect people. They’re still “under construction.” Like a lapel button I once saw said: “Please be patient with me because God isn’t finished yet!”

Speaking of God the Bible says, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.” And that’s a promise Christians count on.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spin Cycle

Do you remember wringer washers?

Next to the washtub was a pair of rollers called a wringer. After washing and rinsing, clothes were put through the wringer to squeeze out most of the water.

A big improvement over washing and wringing by hand!

Then came automatic washers. Instead of a wringer, the new machine had a spin cycle that spun out excess water. Another big improvement—and safer, too.

When I was a boy, I once went in the kitchen where our washer had a prominent place. My little sister was standing on a chair and peeking under the lid. As she did, her rear end moved in circles matching the motion of the washtub.

It wasn’t intentional. She unconsciously mimicked what she saw.

Have you noticed how people imitate what they see and hear? It’s a common trait.

In his book, “The Curate’s Awakening,” George MacDonald describes a college student with this quality. He wrote, “She never had an original thought. She thought a great deal of other people’s thoughts, thinking they were her own.”

My first thought was, “I know people like that!” My second thought was, “I hope that doesn’t describe me!” Does it describe you? It can happen so gradually you don’t realize it.

For weeks we’ve been overwhelmed by opinions and pressured by pundits. Believe this. Think that. Vote for this candidate or that one.

After an election like this, voters can feel like they’ve been through the spin cycle. No wonder they call it “spinning” the facts!

What’s the solution? Stop thinking politics or a politician will save the world. If anything, a good politician is probably one who doesn’t make things worse.

Well hold on just a minute! Can’t an election make things better?

It may change some things, but if you think our problems are over, I’ve got news for you! Politicians can’t issue proclamations and change things at will. They must work within the law.

Besides that, belief in the ability of one person or a political party to fix what’s wrong in America is a misplaced faith. If it were possible, we would have solved most of our problems by now. The history books are full of leaders who tried their best--but to no avail.

The real solution goes back past the fathers of our country to the founder of our faith: Jesus. He had the answer when he said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.” A troubled heart is full of fear, doubt and worry. A peaceful heart is strong.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the only solution that will save us from troubled hearts. Because if history proves anything, it demonstrates that people let us down.

Presidents, senators, congressmen and governments will fail us. Even military power doesn’t guarantee safety. But Jesus never fails.

Do you want peace? Only Jesus can bring peace to your heart. Do you want safety? Only Jesus can keep you safe through this life and into the next. Who else can do that?

So as you listen to the election analysis and try to understand what it all means, skip the “spin cycle.” Listen to God first. He doesn’t spin the truth. Only he knows and controls the future.

Regardless of who runs the government, God is still in charge. In spite of of men’s decisions, God controls the outcome. And he said of Jesus, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Lake Side Church of the Brethren

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