Monday, August 29, 2011

Wild World

Last week the Northeastern United States saw just how wild our world could be. An earthquake, hurricane, tornado, and flooding all in one week! Sadly such weather always brings loss of life and loss of possessions.

The good news is that, with a hurricane, there’s plenty of time to prepare. Modern weather forecasting gives us an advantage previous generations didn’t have. “Forewarned is forearmed.”

The bad news is that, with all our technology and scientific ability, we’re not even close to controlling the weather to prevent such disasters. All we can do is respond to them.

What if you met someone who could control the weather? How would you respond to that? Probably with a healthy skepticism. But if it were real, it would be awesome.

The Bible clearly teaches God controls the weather. He can use it to punish some and show his love to others. But modern minds disdain such unenlightened thinking.

However, humankind’s collective wisdom overrules our modern mindset. Our language reveals the truth. Whenever we describe natural disasters, even insurance companies call them “Acts of God”!

An ‘Act of God’ is a legal term for events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no one on earth can be held responsible.

So if some weather events are ‘Acts of God,’ it’s logical to think God can control weather.

“Now hold on, just a minute,” you may say. “What difference does it make? Who cares if God controls the weather?”

We should if we want to know who Jesus Christ really is!

One day Jesus was on the Sea of Galilee in a boat with his disciples. Suddenly a violent storm blew in and threatened to sink the boat. Jesus’ followers were afraid they would drown.

The Bible says Jesus “got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ Then they were terrified and asked each other, ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’”

Based on what Jesus had just done, the only answer to this rhetorical question was that Jesus was and is the Son of God! Only God can suspend the natural order of things and do miracles.

Even though miracles like this are hard for modern people to accept, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is Lord over all creation and not just over his church. One of Jesus’ purposes in performing such miracles was to establish and increase the disciples’ faith in his deity.

After seeing such displays of power, Jesus’ disciples could answer his question when he asked, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter confidently said, “You are the Christ [Messiah], the Son of the living God.”

After the wild week we had it’s normal for everyone to talk about the weather. And while it’s important to know about and be prepared for wild weather, it’s even more important to know who Jesus Christ is and to respond to that knowledge in faith.

The Bible records the miraculous events in Jesus’ life for one reason: “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” Begin by reading the New Testament Gospel of John. Then keep reading.

You owe it to yourself to investigate his claims. They’re really wild–and true!

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fringe Benefits

In today’s economy, most people are happy just to have a job. If the job is full-time you’re double blessed. And, if the job comes with fringe benefits, you’re triple blessed!

Fringe benefits are benefits an employer provides to employees in addition to their salaries. It can include things like sick pay, paid vacation and health insurance.

But did you know that becoming a follower of Jesus Christ also provides fringe benefits?

“Now hold on just a minute,” you may say. “What fringe benefits does God provide?”

It may surprise you, but being a follower of Jesus Christ comes with the best benefits – both in and out of this world! However, like most jobs, it also comes with difficulties.

Jesus said, “No one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (…and with them persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.”

The Bible makes it clear that everyone is invited to follow Christ in faith. But not everyone does. For those that do it says, “To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

To become God’s child brings immediate blessings. According to the Bible, God’s free gift to his children is eternal life. He also forgives all their sins.

These blessings are not theirs because they are good enough or become worthy to receive them. The Bible says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Grace means getting something you don’t deserve. It is un-merited favor. A gift from God.

After you become his child, the Bible reveals other benefits, as well. It says, “Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” In Christ you’re at peace with God. No longer do you need to fear standing before him as your judge.

Next the Bible says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” So after you make peace with God, you receive the peace of God – inner peace from him.

As God’s child you also become the beneficiary of divine favor. Since God is now pleased with you, you can bring your needs to him. The Bible says that, through Christ, we “have access to the Father by one Spirit.” And Jesus assured us God would supply his children’s needs.

Another fringe benefit for God’s children is they have a guide through life. Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd.” And a shepherd guides his sheep.

“The Lord is my shepherd,” the Bible says. “He leads… he guides me along the right paths.” If we lose our way, Jesus knows and is the way. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

The good news is that Jesus is able to bring you to God. The Bible says, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.”

God’s children also have someone that will claim them. Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.” Because they’re family.

If you have not yet followed Jesus Christ in faith and become a child of God, I encourage you to take the first step today. In your own words tell God, “Father, please accept me. Not for what I’ve done but because of what my Lord, Jesus Christ, did when he died on the cross for my sin.”

When you take that step, you not only become God’s child but you get all the fringe benefits!

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wild Ride

Do you like roller coasters? They’re quite a thrill. Especially the newer ones.

The Volcano was the last one I rode. First I was buckled in and held in place by a safety bar. My feet dangled in the air. Then the ride gained speed and shot us straight up out of a volcano-like opening. It was quite a thrill but the ride was over in less than a minute.

Lately it’s been a roller coaster ride if you have money in the stock market. Only it isn’t over yet—it’s like a wild ride that won’t stop!

Once I had a boss who had a lot of investments. Every day he studied the stock reports in the newspaper. If the market was up, he was happy. If it was down he was depressed.

That’s the way it is if your greatest hope is in riches. It makes you happy and sad.

“Now hold on just a minute,” you may say. “What’s wrong with having more money?”

Having money isn’t the problem. It’s whether or not your money has you.

Money is not moral or immoral in itself. God doesn’t condemn money but encourages us to use it wisely. Although some think the Bible says that money is the root of evil, that’s not true.

What the Bible says is that “The LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

It’s as if money becomes a counterfeit god demanding our complete devotion. Someone once observed that money is a wonderful servant but it makes a terrible taskmaster. And when you become its slave it ruins your life.

So what should we do? A person would have a difficult time living in this world without money–right?

Part of becoming a follower of Christ is learning to see the world from God’s perspective. One does that through reading the Bible. Not to learn its history but to learn its lessons.

For example, many see their job, their hard work or their investments as the source of wealth. However, in one of the most amazing verses in the Bible it says, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

Understanding that simple truth changes everything. A job, hard work and investments are still important. But the most important factor in life is God’s favor. It is he that gives us our mind, our strength and our health to go to work or manage our investments.

People that understand this are grateful. People that don’t become proud.

So God warns us: “Command those that are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share.”

The hand that grasps its possessions is not open to receive God’s blessings. But the hand that is open and shares freely is also open to be blessed.

Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow but to let tomorrow worry about itself. That’s why he taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven…give us this day our daily bread.” “Daily bread” means enough for today. And if you have enough to share, you are double blessed!

Do you like a wild ride? There’s one better than a roller coaster or the stock market. The most exciting ride in the world is to live every day on the edge of your faith, trusting God to supply your needs. When you do, you’ll never be disappointed.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Promise Power

How are you at keeping promises? A promise is only as reliable as the person that makes it. And let’s face it–some are more reliable than others.

Children believe if a parent promises them something, they MUST keep it. How often did you say to your parents, “But you PROMISED”? Now, if you’re a parent, your children say it to you.

Smart parents always leave themselves some ‘wiggle room.’ Instead of saying, “We’ll go for ice cream later” they say, “If you behave, we’ll go for ice cream later.”

Eventually we learn that some people break their promises. For instance, politicians will promise anything to get elected. Young men in love will often promise anything to win a girl’s heart. And once they get what they want, many conveniently ‘forget’ their promises.

Other people are known for keeping their promises. Even if it hurts them.

Which of those are you? Are you a promise keeper or a promise breaker?

“Now hold it, just a minute,” you may say. What’s the big deal over promises?”

Just this: The breakdown of keeping promises in a culture is directly related to that culture’s disintegration. According to a study in the Journal of Business Ethics, promise keeping is one of the ten universal moral rules of any society. We are only as good as our word.

Today up to half of all adults that get married and promise, “Till death us do part” don’t really mean it. What they should say is, “Till divorce us do part.”

Now I’m not saying that anyone should stay in an abusive or dangerous relationship. What I am saying is that we should think long and hard before we break a promise.

There was a day, not too long ago, when a handshake and a promise was all that was necessary for a business deal. Today it takes written contracts, lawyers and threats of lawsuits to keep some people honest!

“But,” you may protest, “circumstances I have no control over sometimes change and make it impossible to keep the promise.”

Perhaps. But my guess is that, more often than not, it was more inconvenient than impossible.

Others have good intentions but no follow through. You may have had a loved one or close friend promise, “I’ll never leave you.” Or they said, “I’ll love you forever.” But something happened or they met someone else and broke their word.

As someone once said, “The only think predictable about people is their unpredictability!” But there is one person that will always keep his promise, no matter what. That one is God.

You can take God at his word. He promises his children, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” And you can take that to the bank. Why? Because God not only knows all the circumstances that will come, he is in control of them, as well.

Christians no longer fear death because Jesus promised to prepare a place for them in heaven. Then he said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” And when he rose from the dead, he proved he could do it.

Perhaps you made a promise to God when you were younger. A promise to live for him. To follow Jesus and obey him. But since then you broke your promise. Is all lost?

Not at all. The Bible reminds us that God is patient. He is waiting for you to return to him. God says, “Return to me and I will return to you.” What a powerful promise!

Now it’s your turn. Swallow your pride, ‘Man up’ and return to God. I know you can do it.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt Solution

What can you do if you owe more than you can pay? That’s the situation facing many today, including some cities, states and the federal government. And there’s no easy solution.

Meanwhile, another monstrous debt crisis has been largely ignored while politicians wrangle over our country’s financial woes. Sadly, every one of us is in debt over our heads. We owe much more than we can ever repay. And I’m not talking about our share of the national debt.

It’s even worse than that!

“Now hold on just a minute,” you may say. “What could be worse than every taxpayer owing more than $130,000 of the $14.5 trillion national debt?”

Good question. And here’s the answer: According to the Bible, every man, woman and child is indebted to God because of sin. It’s a debt so large we can never repay it.

The word ‘sin’ makes many think of breaking one of the Ten Commandments. But it also would include breaking the two ‘Great’ commandments Jesus gave.

Jesus said the two greatest commandments are, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And he said those two commandments summarize the entire Law of God.

Wow. Which one of us hasn’t failed to keep those commandments? We’re all in trouble. Especially when you consider that it’s not just the act of breaking a commandment that makes us guilty but also the attitude of rebellion against God that says, “Nobody’s telling me what to do!”

Since the Bible warns us “whoever stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” and “the wages of sin is death,” we are in deep trouble. We’re all lawbreakers deserving death.

Many think that after we die, God will weigh our good deeds against our bad. If the good outweighs the bad then God should let us into heaven. But the Bible paints a bleaker picture.

The Bible says even our good works are filthy rags in God’s sight. No one is good enough.

Someone will say, “Well God loves us so he will just forgive our sin.” But to forgive us requires God to absorb our debt. Just like a lender that forgives a debt must absorb the loss.

For God to absorb our debt of sin, he had to pay the penalty of death himself. That’s why God became the man, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sin. But for it to be effective, Jesus had to be sinless so he could die in our place and not for his own sin. And that’s just what happened.

Do you see the amazing greatness of God’s plan? Through Christ’s death on the cross, God took on himself the payment for our debt of sin. And now he is able to offer forgiveness to all.

The Bible says, “God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” So, in Christ, our debt of sin is cancelled.

In the original language of the Bible, ‘written code’ translates a word that means a certificate of indebtedness in the debtor’s own handwriting. That represents the Law of God under which everyone is a debtor to him. This means the IOU each of us owes God for our sin is forgiven!

But to receive the forgiveness God offers we must ask for it by faith. It’s not automatic. You must talk to God in prayer and say, “Father, please accept me. Not for the good works I have done, but because of what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross.”

According to the Bible, when you do that, you become God’s child and your debt of sin is ‘Paid in Full’—forgiven once and for all. It is God’s eternal debt solution. And it’s free to all!

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

Lake Side Church of the Brethren

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