Monday, October 1, 2007

Do It Yourself Religion

There are only two kinds of religion in the world: Jesus Saves and “Do It Yourself.”

All of the world’s religions, except one, are of the “Do It Yourself” variety. The down side to a DIY religion is that you can never be sure you will make it to paradise, nirvana, reincarnation or whatever it is you hope for.

Well hold it right there for just a minute. Are we without hope? How can a person be sure of what they will find on “the other side” after death?

Most religions offer a “maybe”—and that’s if you do everything you should just right. Interestingly, radical Islam tells its followers that there is one way they can be certain.

Walid Shofrat, a former Muslim PLO terrorist, describes it like this: “In the case of Islam, the way to assure yourself to go to Paradise is by dying yourself as an offer to God.”

Muslim suicide Jihadists believe that, by killing themselves, they are offering Allah their most precious gift: their soul. The problem is that no suicide Jihadist has ever come back from “the other side” to tell if they made it.

There is only one book and one person that offer the promise, proof and assurance of an eternal life in a true paradise called Heaven. The book is the Bible and the person is Jesus Christ.

In the fourteenth chapter of the New Testament Gospel of John, Jesus promises that he will prepare a place in Heaven for those who believe in him. He offers his word, as the Son of God, that he will take believers to be with him forever. Then he proved his power over death by one of the best-documented events in history, his resurrection.

Jesus Christ is the only one to ever bring himself back from “the other side” –and have many witnesses to prove it!

When man attempts to create a religion, it is always of the “Do It Yourself” variety. You must keep certain laws, observe sacraments, or do “penance” for your sin. In every case you die in uncertainty. There’s no assurance you “did it right” or proof you attain “paradise.”

God’s plan in the Bible is far different. His plan involves the perfect Son of God, Jesus, dying on the cross in our place for our sin. Then God offers forgiveness for sin and salvation from sin’s penalty as a free gift to those who accept it. It’s free to all with no strings attached.

Like a condemned prisoner on Death Row accepting a pardon, all you have to do is believe it’s true and put your trust in the one who pardons you. Sadly, some find that hard to do. They choose instead to believe that eternal life is “Do It Yourself.”

It goes against our pride and self-reliance to accept a gift as valuable as eternal life. That’s why God sent Jesus Christ into the world. The Bible says, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

When Christians announce that “Jesus Saves,” they are not trying to judge other religions. They are not being religious bigots full of hate and intolerance. It is simply a joyful announcement to other seekers that what they are seeking is found in Jesus Christ!

The truth of Christianity is that the assurance, joy and purpose of life--both life in the here and now and eternal life in the “by and by”--is found in Christ alone. And the best part of all is that it’s a free gift. No assembly required. It’s by faith alone. Faith in Jesus Christ.

Life has many choices. Religion has two: Jesus Saves or “Do It Yourself.” Think it over and then choose carefully because you will live with your choice for a very long time.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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