Monday, December 10, 2007

The Real Christmas Present

Frosty the Snowman’s first words when he came to life were “Happy Birthday!”

The TV show is an annual favorite for many during the Christmas season. I guess the writers thought that Frosty’s first day of life was naturally his birthday. And it makes sense in the world of cartoons.

In a video I watched the other day a small child was asked why we celebrate Christmas. Her answer? “Because it’s Santa’s Birthday!”

At least the TV show and the little girl got it half right. Christmas is about a birthday, but not Frosty’s or Santa’s! The fact that some children may think so shows that we need to do a better job teaching them about Christmas.

No doubt some kids even think Christmas is about them since they get all the presents. Many children receive more presents at Christmas than they do for their own birthday!

Well hold on just a minute. Whose birthday is in anyway? And why all the presents?

The Encarta World English Dictionary defines Christmas as “an annual Christian festival on December 25, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.” It says that it’s also become a secular holiday when people traditionally exchange presents and greetings.

We practice many of our Christmas traditions without ever giving thought as to why we do them. Exchanging presents is a good example. Why do we do that?

One reason we give gifts is to help us remember that the birth of the Savior was God’s great gift to the world. Talk about a surprise gift! Most people don’t think they need a savior. They don’t feel like they’re drowning or trapped and need to be rescued. Why a savior?

Two thousand years ago Israel was hoping for a savior to deliver them from the rule of the Roman Empire and Caesar. What they got was One who offered spiritual salvation instead of political deliverance. And the nation’s leaders rejected it.

But God turned the rejection and death of Christ into an offer of salvation for the whole world. The Bible says that faith in Christ brings deliverance from sin and judgment to come.

What a gift! Salvation that doesn’t depend on being born into the right family or belonging to the “right” religion. Salvation that is free. What a Christmas present!

Today many people are drowning in failure and the consequences of bad decisions. In the Bible God gave us standards to live by. Those who break his rules often suffer the consequences in their health and in their relationships. The Bible calls that “sin.”

Unable to fix our broken relationship with God, we need someone to save us. And that’s where God’s great gift comes into the picture. God’s purpose in sending Christ was for him to become the Savior of the world. To save us from sin and its consequences that lead to death.

The angel told the shepherds, “Today in the town of David [Bethlehem] a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). People who heard Jesus and personally experienced his ministry recognized that he was “the Savior of the world” (John 4:42).

So this Christmas, before you put down your credit card to buy those presents, pick up a Bible and turn to the Gospel of Luke. Read about the first Christmas in chapter two. Join in the wonder the Shepherds felt when they saw Jesus, the Savior. Worship him with the wise men.

When a person recognizes who Jesus is and puts their trust in him to save them, God gives them the ultimate gift, eternal life. That’s the real present of Christmas.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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