Monday, March 3, 2008

Prayer Secrets

How does prayer work? What’s the secret?

Perhaps the secret of prayer is in the words you say. Or maybe it’s praying in the right position--you know, with your eyes closed or open, kneeling or standing—is that it?

Others think it’s repeating the prayer enough times to show you mean it. Some suppose they have to shout to get God’s attention or light a candle in a church.

A majority of Americans believe in God and believe in prayer. Some say, “I pray all the time.” That’s good, but how do they know God is listening?

And what about answers? Some give up praying because God didn’t answer them.

Maybe it’s because they didn’t know the “secret” of prayer--the key to how it works.

Now hold on just a minute! This is getting complicated. Does prayer work or doesn’t it?

Prayer’s power is not in the methods or words we use. Nor is it in our physical posture, the size of our faith or the sincerity of our heart.

The power of prayer is the God of the Bible. He alone is the prayer answering God.

One benefit of the Bible is that it shows us how God answers prayer for ordinary people like you and me. And they were ordinary. It says that even the prophet Elijah “was a man just like us.” His prayers were not answered because of who he was but because of who God is.

OK, then how do you know he hears you and answers you? That’s the question!

Many people pray and see no results. The reason is because they have no relationship with God. For prayer to work there must be a relationship with him. That’s the key. Really.

Let me explain. Some children receive allowances. What if one child went to another’s father and asked for an allowance? What would happen? He would say, “Go see your own dad!”

And that’s why prayer works for some and not others. The Bible says that when you have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, God is your Heavenly Father. You become his child. And God invites his children to come and ask for whatever they need.

Jesus said, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” God wants to answer the prayers of his children.

That brings us back to faith. The Bible says, “It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”

A relationship with God begins with faith. Faith that God loves you, that he is good and has your best interests at heart. Faith that when God says he will forgive your sin and make you his child—he will do it.

Where does faith come from? The Bible explains that faith is a gift from God. It comes from listening to God speak to you through the Bible and understanding that he’s talking to you.

Perhaps you would like to know how to have a personal relationship with God. If so, I recommend that you pick up a Bible and read the Gospel of John in the New Testament.

Just remember that the secret of prayer is not a secret. Power in prayer begins with a personal relationship with God. It’s that simple.

And what about answers to prayer? God always answers, but it may not be the answer we expect. Like any good parent, God doesn’t give us everything we want. Sometimes he says, “Yes.” But other times he may say “No,” “Wait a while” or even “You’ve got to be kidding!”

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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