Monday, September 1, 2008

Change We Can Believe In

Is politics the solution or the problem in America?

Every four years the two major political parties treat us to a convention spectacle that’s one part political grandstanding and one part tent revival served up with a side of passion.

My favorite definition of politics is this: “Poly” means “many” and “ticks” are blood-sucking parasites. So “politics” is a bunch of blood-sucking parasites.” (Smile, it’s a joke. I think.)

Now that may sound cruel if you know sincere candidates who want to bring meaningful change to our world. But something mysterious happens when a man or woman begins to breathe the rarified air in our state or nation’s capitals.

After about six months, they start to lose common sense. Or so it seems to me.

Why this happens is a sad reflection on human nature. One definition says politics involves power, authority, influence and manipulation. And well-intentioned people are often forced to compromise character and scruples in order to “bring home the bacon” (or pork barrel projects).

Well, hold on just a minute! If that’s true then where can we find hope? Good question.

Only one man offers real hope—hope we can believe in—and he’s not a politician. It’s the God-man Jesus Christ. Only he can change a person’s heart, heal their wounded soul and forgive their sin. Only Jesus can turn a conniving “political animal” into a God-serving Christ follower.

How do I know? Because Jesus has a 2,000 year track record of success.

Want an example? Read the New Testament book of Acts, chapter 9. God changed Saul of Tarsus from a murderous religious zealot into Paul, a passionate peaceful Christ follower.

The man we remember as the Apostle Paul is single-handedly responsible for the birth of Western Civilization, as we know it. He brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Europe and the rest, as they say, is history.

Want more examples? Check out how God changed the lives of a playboy named Augustine, a slave trader named John Newton or a political hack named Chuck Colson. All transformed.

Politicians call us to believe in ourselves. They tell us if we do we can change America and change the world. But we’ve heard that before. The changes don’t last or don’t work.

Besides, government has a poor track record when it comes to changing people for good. Our high incarceration rate and crowded prisons bear silent testimony to that fact.

Jesus calls us to believe in him. When we do the Bible says he renews our minds, fills us with peace instead of anger and he replaces our hatred with love. Instead of living a self-centered life, we have a new desire to serve God and others.

The Bible says that when we follow Jesus and put our trust in him as Lord and Savior, we are reconciled to God. Then he asks us to bring that message of peace and reconciliation to others.

Christ followers get excited about telling others how Jesus died for their sin and can change human lives. They have a joy that only God can give.

If you’ve seen God change someone who followed Jesus, you know what I mean. There’s no other explanation for it except that God has changed their heart.

Change is a hot topic this year. But if you want real, meaningful change you can believe in, look no further. Instead of politicians who often let you down, look to Jesus who will lift you up.

Follow Jesus and your life can have an impact on this world with eternal results.

Oh, by the way, no politicians were endorsed or harmed in the preparation of this article.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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