Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spin Cycle

Do you remember wringer washers?

Next to the washtub was a pair of rollers called a wringer. After washing and rinsing, clothes were put through the wringer to squeeze out most of the water.

A big improvement over washing and wringing by hand!

Then came automatic washers. Instead of a wringer, the new machine had a spin cycle that spun out excess water. Another big improvement—and safer, too.

When I was a boy, I once went in the kitchen where our washer had a prominent place. My little sister was standing on a chair and peeking under the lid. As she did, her rear end moved in circles matching the motion of the washtub.

It wasn’t intentional. She unconsciously mimicked what she saw.

Have you noticed how people imitate what they see and hear? It’s a common trait.

In his book, “The Curate’s Awakening,” George MacDonald describes a college student with this quality. He wrote, “She never had an original thought. She thought a great deal of other people’s thoughts, thinking they were her own.”

My first thought was, “I know people like that!” My second thought was, “I hope that doesn’t describe me!” Does it describe you? It can happen so gradually you don’t realize it.

For weeks we’ve been overwhelmed by opinions and pressured by pundits. Believe this. Think that. Vote for this candidate or that one.

After an election like this, voters can feel like they’ve been through the spin cycle. No wonder they call it “spinning” the facts!

What’s the solution? Stop thinking politics or a politician will save the world. If anything, a good politician is probably one who doesn’t make things worse.

Well hold on just a minute! Can’t an election make things better?

It may change some things, but if you think our problems are over, I’ve got news for you! Politicians can’t issue proclamations and change things at will. They must work within the law.

Besides that, belief in the ability of one person or a political party to fix what’s wrong in America is a misplaced faith. If it were possible, we would have solved most of our problems by now. The history books are full of leaders who tried their best--but to no avail.

The real solution goes back past the fathers of our country to the founder of our faith: Jesus. He had the answer when he said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.” A troubled heart is full of fear, doubt and worry. A peaceful heart is strong.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the only solution that will save us from troubled hearts. Because if history proves anything, it demonstrates that people let us down.

Presidents, senators, congressmen and governments will fail us. Even military power doesn’t guarantee safety. But Jesus never fails.

Do you want peace? Only Jesus can bring peace to your heart. Do you want safety? Only Jesus can keep you safe through this life and into the next. Who else can do that?

So as you listen to the election analysis and try to understand what it all means, skip the “spin cycle.” Listen to God first. He doesn’t spin the truth. Only he knows and controls the future.

Regardless of who runs the government, God is still in charge. In spite of of men’s decisions, God controls the outcome. And he said of Jesus, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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