For the last week our life has been a blessed confusion. And it’s been wonderful!
“Now hold on just a minute! How is ‘blessed confusion’ wonderful?”
Well, let me tell you. Take two working adults. Add a visiting daughter on vacation with her three girls. Then put us all under the same roof and you have a recipe for blessed confusion!
Trying to coordinate work schedules, play time, day trips and family dinners disrupts our daily routine. And when three or four people talk to me at the same time, it’s confusing!
But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
According to the Bible, living to see your grandchildren is a blessing from the Lord. It says they are “a crown to the aged.”
Now I don’t like to think of myself as “aged,” but I guess I am to my grandchildren! And I thank God that I’m healthy enough to play with them and enjoy them. What a blessing!
Last night the girls were getting ready for a bedtime story. The youngest walked up in her nightgown and said very seriously, “Grandpa, I wished we lived here.” That melts my heart.
On Sunday we took them to Sunday School and church. They looked so pretty in their dresses. But, more than that, they learned about God and his love for them through Jesus Christ.
It amazes me sometimes how people skip church because family is visiting from out of town. Not only do our grandchildren enjoy going to church with us, they love God wholeheartedly.
I guess that’s why Jesus said, “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The faith of children is so pure and strong.
If you think about it, the only thing of lasting value you can leave to your children and grandchildren is your faith. Everything else gets spent, broken or wears out. But faith is forever.
Plus, in the light of eternity, passing your faith on to your children and grandchildren is the best investment you can make. When you die you will leave everything else in life behind. But if your family trusts in Christ, you will all be reunited in Heaven again.
Now some folks may think that’s too morbid to think about. Think again! Life goes by so fast. And then you will be somewhere forever a lot longer than you lived on earth.
But faith is good for more than just eternity. David, the shepherd king in the Bible once said, “I have been young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread.” God knows how to take care of his children in this life as well.
The time to think about God is now. One of the wisest men to ever live, King Solomon, wrote, “Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come.”
How fast “the days of your youth” fly by! In just a little more than a week, I’ll be attending my fortieth High School reunion. Where did all those years go?
In the Bible, a man named Job said, “My days are swifter than a runner; they fly away.” In the musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye sang, “Sunrise, sunset; swiftly fly the years.”
Before we know it, children turn into adults. Our time with them is so brief.
If you are blessed to have your children and grandchildren nearby, stop and thank God. If they live far away and you only see them once or twice a year, be sure you enjoy the “blessed confusion” when they visit!
But most importantly, spend as much time with them as you can. Remember to point them to God and be the best example to them that you can be!
Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!
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