Monday, October 5, 2009

Religion Addict

Can a person be addicted to religion?

Andrew Farley was. Farley is a tenured professor at Texas Tech University and the author of “The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church.” The book deals with so-called Christian jargon or “Christianese” that people hear in some churches.

Farley says at one time in his life he did all the things he believed a good Christian should do. But he still felt miserable and depressed. Finally he realized he was trying to gain God's favor by becoming addicted to religion.

“Now hold it right there for just a minute! How can you be addicted to religion?”

Easy. The same way you get addicted to anything else. You try it, it makes you feel good, so you keep doing it. The more you do it, the better you feel about yourself—at least for a while.

Who could get addicted to religion? People who like their life ordered. They like rules. They like to know where they stand. Religion gives them a checklist and they can go down the list and either feel good or bad about their performance.

If you feel bad, religion gives you ways to compensate. Ways to punish yourself and be accepted. Say this prayer. Do this or that action to show you’re sorry. Penance.

Religion tells us that if we’re sincere enough and work hard enough, God will accept us. And that’s appealing to some. It’s almost like a contract: I do my part and God does his.

What sets the gospel of Jesus Christ apart from all religions is its message: God already loves you and he accepts you through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. God doesn’t want to be your boss. He wants to be your father and for you to be his son or daughter.

It’s simple. Jesus didn’t come to start a new religion. He came to make us friends of God.

After a person hears the good news about Christ a decision must be made: “Am I willing to give up trying to earn God’s favor and stop working for my salvation? Am I willing to accept the gift of forgiveness God offers to everyone through faith in Jesus Christ?”

If the answer is “Yes,” then you’re ready to give yourself to Christ. You’re ready to cross over the line of faith. To believe and trust in God. To become part of his forever family.

So if you will say, “Father accept me and adopt me, not because of what I have done but because of what Jesus Christ has done for me on the cross--if you will do that, then the Bible says you become a child of God. At that very moment.

Your other option is to pick a religion, stick with it and maybe even become addicted to it. Then hope you are good enough for a perfect and holy God to accept you. (What’re those odds?)

Perhaps some will say, “I opt out of religion. I don’t believe in a personal God.”

Fine. That’s your choice. God doesn’t force people to believe in him. But consider this: What atheists actually do is create their own religion with themselves as gods.

To say there is no God anywhere in the known universe means you’re omniscient—you know everything like God. And if you make the rules for good and evil in your life, that makes you like God. So what you have is a religion for one. And it can be very addicting!

So if you want to avoid the pitfalls of religion or atheism, listen to Jesus. He came to tell us about a better way that leads to peace and purpose. The way of faith in a loving and holy God.

I invite you to explore Jesus’ teaching for yourself. Pick up a Bible and read the book in it called “The Gospel of John.” Then, if you’re tired of religion, believe in Jesus and follow him.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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