Monday, September 6, 2010

Second Look

One day I almost ran into Bob Hope. Really!

I was in Columbus, Ohio on business. As I walked from a restaurant to the parking lot, Bob Hope walked right by me.

“Hey, wasn’t that Bob Hope?” asked my boss. “No way!” I said. “Yes it was!” said my boss.

So I went back and took a second look. Sure enough, it was Bob Hope, star of stage and screen. He was much shorter than I expected and looked like someone’s grandfather.

But I never met him. Apparently he was in Columbus on business and had all his “people” around him. It was the closest I ever got to a Hollywood star.

So, if I told you Bob Hope and I were good friends, would you believe me? Of course not! I got close to him but never met him. We were almost friends.

Some people I know are almost friends of Jesus, too.

“Now hold on just a minute! How can you be almost a friend of Jesus?”

Some people get close to Jesus but never meet him. They almost run into him at church, Vacation Bible School, camp, weddings and funerals. Often they even attend church regularly. Maybe they sing in the choir. But they don’t know Jesus and he doesn’t know them.

Others are introduced to Jesus Christ but then forget him and go on with their lives.

Maybe a friend introduced them to Jesus and talked about how a relationship with him changed their life. But they didn't personally pursue a “God-connection.” Nothing changed.

If I had personally met Bob Hope and then forgot who he was, it wouldn’t make much difference in my life. But if you meet Jesus and forget who he is, it will matter for eternity.

Once I asked a young man if he’d met Jesus. He said, “Not personally.” Well, if you’ve never personally met Jesus, may I introduce you? He’s worth more than a second look.

The Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16, says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus himself claimed he was God’s son and that his death would provide forgiveness for sin. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Faith in Christ solves your sin problem and gives you the gift of eternal life.

A Christian is a person who meets Jesus Christ in the Bible, puts his or her faith in him and finds Jesus to be all he claimed to be. Once a person takes that step of faith, they discover that God changes them for the better, from the inside out! And Jesus becomes a true friend forever.

You read a lot in newspapers about politics. People are very passionate about it. But politics can’t satisfy your soul or change your life forever. Only Jesus can do that.

If you are almost a friend of Jesus Christ, I encourage you to take a second look. Pick up a Bible and read one of the New Testament Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Or read all four. It’s worth your time because in the pages of the Bible you will meet Jesus Christ.

After you meet Jesus, you are faced with an important decision. Will you believe he is who he said he is—the Son of God and the Savior of the world?

Maybe you’re skeptical. I understand. But I encourage you to take a second look. An honest look. Don’t take my word for it. Read the Bible for yourself.

Once you meet Jesus, you can make peace with God and settle your eternal destination. When you follow him and serve others, your life can change the world. Isn’t that worth a second look?

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Your post is all to true. The question then becomes what can we do about it? What steps can we as Sunday School teachers and Youth Group counselors do to encourage our kids to take that step and go from an existence to a life filled with Christ?

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