Are you an Easter Poser? According to the dictionary, a ‘poser’ is someone that acts a certain way to impress others. So an Easter Poser hopes to impress people at church on Easter Sunday.
You know what I’m talking about. Put on new clothes, go to church, smile and act pleasant. Sing the hymns. Close your eyes during prayer. Take communion. Pose as a Christian.
It makes your family happy but you don’t have a clue what all the fuss is about.
The pastor talks about a relationship with God but you feel lucky to have a relationship with another human being. Christians talk about answered prayer but you feel like your prayers just bounce off the ceiling. It’d be nice if it was true, but how can anyone know for sure?
Now it’s the week before Easter and you’re trying to decide if you’re even going to go to church this Sunday. Somebody’s been asking you to go but your family is getting together and you’ve got a lot to get done beforehand. Maybe there’s even an Easter egg hunt for the kids.
Why bother with church anyway? Easter seems like just another Sunday. Candy for the kids and a nap for you if you’re lucky.
Besides, how can anyone believe that a resurrection even happened? And if it did, what difference does it make?
Well, hold on just a minute! Go back to that resurrection question.
Have you ever personally investigated the resurrection of Christ? It’s the central fact of Christianity. Even the Bible admits that. The Apostle Paul wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.”
So there it is. If the resurrection didn’t happen, don’t waste your time thinking about Easter. But, if the resurrection is an historical fact, then Christianity is true, Christ is God and you’re faced with a decision to accept or reject Christ. You can’t ignore such an important event.
Frank Morrison was a skeptical journalist who wondered why so many people believed in a resurrection when it’s contrary to the laws of science. He decided to investigate the historical record and a write a book disproving the resurrection as a myth. He ended up writing “Who Moved the Stone?” I recommend it to you for some thoughtful reading.
What Morrison found as he examined the historical records astounded him. The evidence for the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ was overwhelming. Even for a skeptic.
One of Morrison’s more interesting observations is that there is no historical evidence to contradict Jesus’ followers’ claims that the tomb was empty. There were only false assertions by Jewish authorities that somehow the disciples stole the body (in spite of armed guards!).
Read for yourself the Gospel of John in the New Testament and ponder Jesus’ claims to be the Son of God. Ask God to show you the truth. Write down your questions and ask a church leader who knows the Bible to answer them. The God of the Bible welcomes seekers of truth. He said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
The Bible clearly proclaims, “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!” His resurrection from the dead proved his power over death. It validates his offer to give eternal life to all who will trust in him. That’s why the apostles preached, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
So why keep posing when you go to church? The reality of faith in Christ is a greater joy than a poser can ever pretend to know. Truth is its own reward. Keep seeking until you find it.
Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!
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