Monday, June 20, 2011

Travel Trouble

Americans love to fly. But with the restrictions and screenings, it’s almost too much trouble!

Since September 11, 2001, things once considered harmless can no longer go anywhere near a commercial airplane. To keep the planes safe we have become accustomed to practical and virtual disrobing: Empty our pockets, purses searched, belts and shoes off and body scanners.

It took me a while to get used to the new reality.

Two months after 9-11 I took a flight to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. But I forgot I was carrying a small pocketknife. Suddenly that knife was enough to keep me off the plane. How could I be so stupid? --Thankfully I was allowed to throw it away and board the plane.

One day we all hope to successfully travel to an eternal destination. Are you aware that God has restrictions on what you can bring to Heaven?

“Well, hold on just a minute!” you say. “How can there be travel restrictions for Heaven?”

Because the Bible tells us God is a holy God and he cannot permit sin in his presence.

“Holy” means God is clean, pure and separated above all other beings. The Bible says there is no other god like him. Holy means his character is totally good and entirely without evil.

The Bible also says, “Without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” Do you meet that standard?

Like the knife I carried, we’re so used to our sins we forget they’re in our spiritual “pockets.” And even “small” sins keep us from holiness and Heaven. --Now that’s real travel trouble!

Many people believe they’ll get to Heaven by doing more good things than bad in this life. And when they meet God, they hope the good deeds will outweigh the bad.

But there’s a big problem with that view. The Bible says that all of our good works are like filthy rags in God’s sight. Nothing we do even comes close to his standard. Only perfection makes it into Heaven. And perfection is humanly impossible. You know it and so do I.

That’s why Jesus is more than just our example. He became our savior to rescue us.

Because of God’s great love for us, the Bible says he sent his only son, Jesus, to solve our sin problem. Jesus made a way for us to have fellowship with God now and live with him forever.

His perfect life on earth and his death in our place on the cross makes it possible for God to forgive us. The resurrection proved his power to conquer sin’s eternal death penalty.

Before Jesus came, sin was enough to keep us out of Heaven and God’s presence. But since Jesus’ death paid for our sin, the only thing standing between God and us is Jesus Christ.

So the question for us is, “What will you do with Jesus?” Indifference is not an option.

The Bible says God forgives the sin of everyone who trusts Jesus as their personal Savior. They share in his holiness. However, the Bible is just as clear that those who will not believe in Christ are still condemned because of their unbelief. Their sin is not forgiven. How sad.

It’s also sad to think that many people will miss Heaven by five letters: J-E-S-U-S. For some reason they can’t bring themselves to accept the Jesus of the Bible. They won’t trust in him.

With the summer vacation season now upon us, airline passengers need to be aware of airline restrictions before flying. But since any day could be the day of your trip to eternity, think about God’s travel restrictions (and Jesus’ solution) before it’s too late. Avoid eternal travel trouble.

Remember--someone tougher than the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) will be doing the pre-flight inspection of your “baggage” before you’re cleared for Heaven. The Bible says Jesus Christ is The Judge of the living and the dead. He’s also our Savior if we trust in him.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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