Monday, October 10, 2011

Three Apples

     Someone said last week that three apples changed the world:  Adam’s, Newton’s and Steve Jobs.’  That’s quite a tribute to the man behind Apple, Inc. who died last week.
     We still remember Adam for eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The Bible tells us in its first book, Genesis, that Adam’s act of disobedience to God changed the world. 
     Adam’s ‘apple’ changed our relationship with God and the world from friend to foe. If you’re skeptical about that, consider this:  Adam’s act is so ingrained in the human story that we still refer to the bump on the front of a man’s throat as his ‘Adam’s Apple.’ Apparently it got stuck!
     Isaac Newton’s apple changed our understanding of the world.  It fell on his head–remember?  Finally we learned that there are natural laws, like gravity, that govern the universe.
     Steve Jobs’ Apple changed the way we communicate and interact with our world.  His ideas and amazing innovations made our lives more interesting.  In fact the computer I’m typing on and the Internet hardware I use are products from Steve Jobs’ Apple.
     Whether you liked him or not, everyone agrees that Steve Jobs made a significant impact on his world.  So much so that many idolize him and even try to dress like him.  According to media reports there was a run on his signature black turtlenecks two days after he died!
     While many tried to imitate or copy him, there is a better option.  A way to make a significant impact on this world with eternal results.
     “Now hold on just a minute,” you say. “Everyone can’t be an Isaac Newton or a Steve Jobs.”
     True.  But everyone reading this can make a significant impact on this world with eternal results.  How?  By following Jesus Christ.
     First Jesus calls us to be his disciples.  And that’s harder than it seems.
     Jesus does not call us to become more religious, sincere or fanatical.  He calls us to become worshipers of the one true God.  The One who the Bible reveals as Creator of the universe.
     “True worshipers,” Jesus said, “will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.  God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
     To do that we must abandon the European model of the holy place, the holy man, and the holy ritual. We must understand that we can live in the reality of walking with God.  Every day.
     The Bible tells us that we must come to God through his son, Jesus Christ.  We must repent of our sin and trust in Christ’s death on the cross to pay the penalty for it.  And we must believe that through his resurrection we have eternal life.
     But more than just agreeing with a set of facts and attending religious services, faith in Christ is entering into a real, living relationship with God, himself.  It is a transformed life.
     Second Jesus calls us to make disciples.  We do that by telling others the good news about Christ and encouraging them to put their faith in him, also.
     Being a disciple or follower of Jesus is so much more than attending church and putting money in the offering.  It is a complete change of our life’s direction from loving and serving ourselves to loving and serving God and others.  Every day.  Not just one day a week.
     When you do that, your life will have a significant impact on this world with eternal results.  Eternal because all who believe in Christ change their eternal destination from hell to heaven!
     It sounds amazing but, according to the Bible, it’s true.  ‘How do you like them apples?’
     Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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