Tuesday, November 1, 2011

True Believers

     Are you a ‘True Believer’?  A ‘True Believer’ believes that what they’re told is true, with no doubts.  Their source is usually a teacher or someone they see as an ultimate authority.
     Not only that, but to some ‘True Believers’ the facts may be secondary, if they matter at all.  Their belief, philosophy or religion makes them feel good–so it’s right, no matter what.
     Such an approach may be comforting and assuring but it is not Christian.  In fact it is another mark of a cult.  Christians have always compared what they believe with the Bible.
     “Now hold on just a minute,” you may say.  “What’s wrong with being sure of yourself?”
     Not a thing if your beliefs rest on solid evidence.  But how many people bother to check?
     I was raised in a God-fearing Christian home.  But, when I was in college, I remember my father challenging me with these words: “It’s time you lost your parents’ faith and got one of your own.”  And I knew exactly what he meant.  Up until then I was living on my parents’ faith.
     Fortunately I attended a college that encouraged people to honestly examine their beliefs.  I learned that convictions arise through our doubts, not in spite of them.  Our doubts drive us back to the evidence.  And after thoroughly examining the evidence, the result is convictions.
     A person that’s never done that believes what is convenient.  They may even become dogmatic when asked to defend their views because they have no evidence to back them up.
     In a previous column, “Cult or Christian,” I observed that two marks of a cult are that it adds to the Bible and subtracts from the person of Christ.  Cults also divide people’s loyalty between God and their group.  One must unquestioningly trust God AND the group’s teaching. 
     Usually this means that a follower is not permitted to doubt the group’s teachings or read books and watch anything contradictory to what they believe.  Just believe it because they say so.
     Christians have often been accused of that approach, but the opposite is true of genuine followers of Christ.  Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”  Jesus’ followers are not afraid of the truth. 
     Even the physician, Luke, who wrote a record of Jesus’ life in the New Testament, did due diligence.  He wrote, “Many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us.  It seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you.”
     In the Old Testament book of Job, God never condemned Job for questioning him.  To the prophet, Isaiah, God said, “Come now, let us reason together.”
     Even the great Apostle Paul encouraged an examined life.  He said, “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.”
     So if you are part of a group that has added to the Bible or constantly ‘corrected’ their own ‘Testament’ in many places, ask yourself “Why?”  The Bible says, “Every word of God is flawless.  Do not add to his words or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.” 
     Remember, no one has ever come up with something that Jesus should have said.
     Do you attend a ‘church’ that talks about Jesus but does not consider him ‘God the Son’ as well as the ‘Son of God’?  Do they elevate another ‘prophet’ up to his level?  If so, beware.
     And if your ‘church’ demands unquestioning loyalty, be careful.  That’s a mark of a cult.  Find a church where your questions are welcome and answered honestly from the Bible.
     If you haven’t done so, I encourage you to get a Bible and read the New Testament.  But read it as a child.  Without any pre-conceived notions.  Let the Bible speak for itself.
     Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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