Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Sure Thing

     Compare a free gift and a lottery ticket. Which one is a ‘sure thing?’ Last week many went for the lottery ticket.  And when it comes to religion, most people seem to prefer gambling as well.
     “Now hold on just a minute,” you say. “Why gamble your soul for eternity?” 
     Good question. But millions do it every day. Why? Because religion teaches them to gamble.
     Many religions emphasize salvation by works.  In other words, when you die, your good works are weighed against your bad.  And if more than 51% are good, you get to go to heaven. 
     But how do you know if you have enough good works?  What if you die before that point?
     Most people want assurance about eternity, but a false religion gives none.  It’s a gamble.
     One religion teaches that dying as a martyr is the path to paradise.  Another religion offers an endless cycle of rebirths.  The hope is of one day being able to escape the cycle.  Good luck!
     False religions offer no forgiveness, only fate and fear of an unknown eternity.
     Some religions teach that all paths lead to the same God and the same truth.  But that can’t be true when you compare faiths and discover opposite beliefs.  They all can’t be right!
     If you’re born into one of those traditions, there’s pressure to keep the family faith.  To stay true to your religion.   So you must decide whether to pursue tradition or truth.
     In his book “Jesus Among Other Gods,” Ravi Zacharias compares the claims of Christ with the founders of other major religions.  (It is a book well worth your time.)
     The author observes that only Jesus claimed to be from Heaven.  Only Jesus claimed to be the Son of God.  Buddha did not claim that.  Neither did Krishna or Mohammed. 
     Instead of pointing to a “path” of rules to follow, Jesus claimed to be the path.  He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”
     Zacharias writes, “The message of Christ was not the introduction of a religion, but an introduction to truth about reality as God alone knows it.”
     What God wants is a personal relationship with us through Christ, not just more rule-keepers.
     Some religions teach you must pay for your sins.  But the Bible says that, because Jesus was sinless, God accepted his death on the cross as payment for all our sin.  What amazing grace!
     Jesus paid the price to reconcile man to God and change human hearts by the power of God’s presence.   He didn’t come to offer us a new religion. He offers a personal relationship with God.    
     The Bible reveals the truth about good works.  It says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”
     Did you catch that?  Salvation is a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ.  It is not by works.
     During this week before Easter, consider this:  Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection are not just a myth; they are real facts of history.  The evidence is there for all who will seek it.  And when you discover that the truth about Christ is real, it will change your life forever. 
     It did mine.  The day I put my faith in Christ is the day I found true peace and joy.  I found forgiveness in Jesus.   And that’s why one purpose of my life is to point people to him as Savior.
     The good news about faith in Jesus Christ is that it’s for people of all nations.  It’s for everyone who is tired of gambling on religious traditions.  It is for people who want truth.
     Only faith in Christ is a ‘sure thing.’  For everyone.  Because it’s a free gift and not a gamble.
     What will you trust for your eternal future – God’s free gift or man’s religion of rules?
     Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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