Monday, May 28, 2012

Close the Church

     Should we close the church doors? –Not just when services end, but permanently?
     “Now hold on just a minute,” you say. “You must be out of your mind!”
     Perhaps.  But think about this:  Every non-attending Christian and church member votes by his or her absence to close the doors of the church.
     In dictatorships tyrants close churches by decree.  In a democracy Christians close churches by indifference.  The intent is not the same, but the results are identical.
     Most church members would rise up in protest if the government tried to close their church.  But non-attending church members, by staying away, weaken the ability of the church to remain open and serve their community.
     Suppose the federal government called two million men to defend our country and one million said, “We believe the nation should be protected from outside enemies, but we’ll just stay home.  We’re for it but we want no part of it.” 
     How effective would their citizenship be?  How much would they be worth to the nation’s defense?  What are the chances our country would remain free?
     There's an enemy on the loose in our nation.  It's far more dangerous to American life than all outside forces combined.  The enemy is within us.  It's working silently, constantly and effectively.  What is it?  It's called ‘sin.’
     Sin is not so much the outward evil actions we often associate with it.  Sin is more the attitude behind the actions.  The attitude that says, “Nobody’s telling me what to do – especially God!”
     Sin is far more dangerous to America than all the terrorists and other enemies combined.  It degrades the character of our people.  It undermines the spirit of the average American to such an extent that he or she is easy prey for extremists, atheists and the cults.
     The only permanent solution to our sin problem is the forgiveness found by faith in Jesus Christ. And the Christian church is the one group commanded to bring that good news to our world.
     Don't ever forget that the liberty and freedom we enjoy are the result of New Testament Christianity.  Democracy, tolerance and kindness to others grow out of a Biblical morality, as well.  But America is a place where worship of the one true God – the God of the Bible – is in decline.
     Many people claim they don’t need to go to church to worship God.  They think they can worship God while fishing, playing golf or sitting on the beach. To that I say,  “You can, but you won’t.” 
     Fishermen pray to catch ‘the big one.’  Golfers ask God to help them make an impossible shot.  Sunbathers concentrate on their tans.  They don’t give one thought to worshiping God.
     If you are a member of a Bible believing, life-giving church – will you be there most Sundays and show you are for the Church of Jesus Christ?  Or will you be somewhere else and in effect vote to close your church?
     Some folks attend Sunday School classes only and then leave before the worship service begins.  That, too, is a vote to close the church.  What would happen to their Sunday School class if the church doors closed and there was no building to meet in?
     Perhaps you'd say, “My church is ‘dead.’” Fine. Then find one that's alive and serving others!
     The Bible says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day [of Christ’s return] approaching.”
     Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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