Monday, July 23, 2007

Hotter ’n Hell

In the middle of summer, when the weather is hot, people talk about hell. They say, “It’s hotter ’n hell!” Of course it’s not--but their expression betrays their belief that hell is real.

Some people say they don’t believe in hell but their words are still peppered with “hells” and “damns!” (To “damn” is to condemn someone to hell.) As kids used to say, “Go figure.”

Others ask how a God of love could send people to such a terrible place.

Now hold it right there for just a minute. Some folks think that all Jesus talked about was love. But Jesus spoke about hell more than all the other New Testament writers combined!

Interestingly, all we know about hell comes from the Bible. It says hell is prepared for the devil and his fallen angels and that God has done everything possible to prevent people from going there. However, God won’t keep you from going if you’re determined to go.

Instead what you usually hear is people wishing they could send their friends and family there. They say, “Go to hell!” or “God damn you!”

The Bible clearly warns that all who reject Jesus Christ as their Savior will be judged after death and spend eternity in a lake of fire called hell. God sent Jesus to die on the cross and provide forgiveness for sin so that salvation from hell could be free to all who trust in him.

God doesn’t want to damn people, he wants a personal relationship with them. He wants to be their God and for them to be his spiritual children. But, if people reject his son, Jesus Christ, as their personal Savior, there is no other way to be saved from hell. Jesus did not say, “I am A way.” He said, “I am THE way, THE truth and THE life.” He didn’t leave the door open for there to be another “way” to get into heaven—no matter how sincere a person is.

Now that bothers some people. But it’s really no different than if I told you there is only one road to my house. Stating a fact doesn’t make one a bigot.

Christians who believe the Bible is true naturally feel they must warn others of the consequences of rejecting Christ. The forgiveness, peace and joy that come from accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is something they want everyone to have.

On top of that, Jesus commanded his followers to go into the whole world and tell others the good news about him. The Bible calls that good news the “Gospel.”

According to the Bible the gospel is the news that Jesus died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to his disciples and then to more than five hundred people at the same time.

Sadly some Christians aren’t tactful in their approach to sharing this news. If you’re not a born-again Christian, please don’t dismiss Christians who share their faith with you as bigots.

When a Christian tells a non-Christian that they need to put their faith in Jesus, it’s not because he disrespects the other person’s faith. Rather it’s because he cares about the other person’s eternal soul. He wants them to repent and personally trust Jesus for salvation.

Here’s more good news: Jesus will not only save you from hell, he will be your friend, guide, protector and provider through your whole life. Being a Christian is not just about living for the hereafter. It’s about eternal life that starts right now—a life with purpose, meaning, joy and contentment. Instead of hell on earth you can experience heaven in your heart.

Yes, God is a God of love. And he loves you so much he never wants you to get anywhere near hell—much less feel “Hotter ’n hell!”

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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