Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Impersonator

The ultimate Elvis impersonator was crowned last week in Memphis, Tennessee.

Shawn Klush won the title as the #1 Tribute Artist in the world. He did it by imitating Elvis’ look, sound, moves and mannerisms. Since his death, the official Elvis impersonator contest was the next best thing to seeing him in person. For a brief moment, Elvis “lived” again.

Thousands of people showed up. Some came to compete but most came to watch. The show celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of the “The King” of Rock and Roll’s death.

The media focused on the competitors and fans that confess Elvis is their life. Many have changed and rearranged their lives around Elvis’ music and his death.

Some of the stories were fascinating. One woman’s wedding anniversary fell on the day Elvis died. She admitted she and her husband no longer celebrate on that date but on a day that comes before or after. And no one thought her crazy. She is just another dedicated fan.

Well hold on just a minute. Why aren’t there any Jesus impersonators?

Why not compete to see who is the most like Jesus? Sure it would be hard to duplicate the miracles and the healings. But how about his love and acceptance of those who were down and out? What about his righteous indignation at injustice and hypocrites? Imitate that.

Didn’t Jesus say, “Learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart”? The Bible says, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” One of Jesus’ greatest followers, the Apostle Paul, said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” Shouldn’t people mimic Jesus?

The reason there aren’t Jesus impersonators is because Jesus, the real King, is still alive!

Every Sunday Christians celebrate the fact that he is alive. Other religions and fan clubs celebrate the death of the founder or celebrity they worship. Christianity is the only religion that celebrates a resurrection. Crazy? Not if it’s true!

Many who set out to disprove the resurrection discovered that the evidence in support of it is overwhelming. (Read journalist Frank Morison’s “Who Moved the Stone?” as an example.)

According to author Josh McDowell, there is far more evidence Jesus of Nazareth lived, died and rose again than there is to document the lives of philosophers Aristotle or Plato.

The first followers of Jesus were eventually called “Christians” because their speech and lives reminded people of Christ. And it wasn’t because they were trying to impersonate Jesus.

Jesus said he would send the Holy Spirit to live in those who believe in him. The living presence of God in a Christian’s life changes them from a self-centered individual into someone who loves and serves others. Someone like Jesus. God changes Christians from the inside out.

Even though he is the Son of God, Jesus said he “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus put our needs first to save us from our sin.

When someone puts their faith in Jesus Christ, they begin to change into someone like him. For some the transition takes longer than for others, but the result is a real change of heart.

But wait just a minute. Now that I think about it, there may not be Jesus impersonators, but there are Christian impersonators--people mimicking the behavior, appearance and speech of Christians. A Christian impersonator tries to be like a Christian without becoming a Christian.

Such a charade is so unnecessary. The Bible says anyone can be a Christian by admitting they are a sinner, believing Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sin and confessing him as their Lord and Savior. If you follow and obey him, Jesus will make a real Christian out of you.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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