Monday, December 29, 2008

Final Thoughts

No this isn’t my last column. At least I don’t think so.

However, since it’s the end of the year, this seems like a good time to reflect and ponder life.

Do you ever think about how short your life is? How every year seems to go by a little faster than the last one? Try to really THINK about it. Not just notice it and comment about it.

It’s good to pause and think about life’s brevity. To consider life’s end once in a while. It helps us see life as it really is and to make needed changes in our lives.

I enjoy talking with people about spiritual things. Often I’ll ask them a question such as, “When you die, what do you think you’ll find on the other side? What’s the final reality?”

It surprises me to hear some say, “I haven’t given it much thought.” Really? How could you not think about the most certain experience in the world?

“Now hold it just a minute,” I can hear someone say. “Isn’t all this talk a little morbid?”

Only if you think ignorance is bliss.

Take a minute and do the math. A man born in America today will live on average to age 75. A woman to age 80. Then what happens? They die and go somewhere forever.

So if we subtract 75 or 80 years from forever it equals—forever! And as they say, “Forever is a long, long time.”

People spend their lives planning and preparing for retirement. And how long does it last? Fifteen to twenty years? Or maybe thirty--if they’re blessed with good health and long life?

And remember--there’s no guarantee they’ll even make it to retirement!

But everyone is guaranteed to die. Last time I checked, no one exits planet earth alive.

Because of this fact of life, the Bible’s advice to us is, “Prepare to meet your God.”

Now the Bible doesn’t tell us that to frighten or scare us. The point is to encourage us to push the “Pause” button on our busy lives and think about what happens when life’s movie ends.

Listen to the wisdom of God’s Word: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”

According to the Bible there is no reincarnation, no purgatory, and no second chances. Jesus clearly taught that eternity holds just two options: a place of delight and adventure the Bible calls heaven and a place of eternal punishment Jesus called hell.

To be sure we don’t miss this fact the Bible says, “Man is destined to die once and after that to face judgment.” That’s the facts straight up. No sugar coating.

The good news is that God made it possible to spend forever with him. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God offers forgiveness and peace to all who come to him through faith in Christ.

Jesus came to bring new life now and eternal life later to everyone. God’s offer is not just for Jews or Christians. It’s for everyone regardless of his or her religion.

The angel who announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds said, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL THE PEOPLE. Today in the City of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord.”

A New Year’s resolution can help change a habit. But Jesus Christ offers a better life—both now and forever. Faith in him brings us peace with God and can help us be at peace with others.

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Because Jesus came we can follow him to our eternal home. And that’s final.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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