Monday, November 2, 2009

Minute Memoir

Last week I learned something about my mother I never knew. When she was a girl, another student tried to drown her at the YMCA. She said her life flashed before her eyes.

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Will it be worth watching?

“Now hold on just a minute! What are you talking about?”

Most people probably think their life will flash before their eyes only if they come close to dying. Something like a Minute Memoir played back on fast forward.

But the Bible talks about a time when God will review our lives. It says we “will have to give an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.” Then it adds we will give account to God of “every careless word” we speak.

Apparently God can hit the brain’s rewind button and replay our life for him and us to see.

What’s the point of having your life flash before your eyes? I’m not sure. It’s never happened to me. But if it did (and I lived to tell about it) I’m sure it would make me think seriously about my life.

Perhaps God gives some of us a preview just to remind us that he can do it. And will do it.

Sadly, many people live as if they’ll never be held accountable for their actions. They don’t think it’s fair. They don’t see how a loving God could ever judge (or punish) anyone.

But if God didn’t judge evil people, there would be no way for us to deal with the injustices of life. The only recourse we’d have would be revenge. And that’s a society I wouldn’t want to live in. Once the cycle of revenge is started it’s hard to ever end it.

Because God loves us, he reminds us that he will judge wickedness one day. Not only is it a reminder to the wicked that they will be held accountable, it also gives hope to those who suffer injustice at the hands of others.

The problem is that we’ve all done things we’re ashamed of. In our hearts we know we’ve hurt others. How can we face God without being condemned?

The good news of the Bible is that God sent Jesus Christ to take our punishment. The Bible says that God accepts Jesus’ death on the cross as payment for our sin. So that means the only question we face is this: “What will you do with Jesus?”

Other religions require you to pay for your own sins. But through faith in Christ we can be forgiven. Is that an offer anyone should refuse?

I hope you never see your Minute Memoir on this earth. But according to the Bible, one day God will play it back for you. When he does, will it be worth watching?

The best way not to worry about it then is to live well now. How do you do that?

A man once asked Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Speaking of himself Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

1 comment:


Good message for all of us to
take seriously. Truly we will all
stand before God and be judged.
We need to make our lives count for

We pray for you and appreciate you.

Lake Side Church of the Brethren

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