Monday, November 9, 2009

Peace Process

One constant in history is violence. However, that’s not what you’d expect.

For millennia men have sought peace. But aggressors viewed peacemakers as weak and easily conquered. The only law aggressors seemed to respect is the one at the end of a gun barrel.

So to make peace takes more violence. What kind of twisted logic is that? Real-world logic.

In the real world, forced peace is not a true peace. It is only the absence of violence.

“Now hold on just a minute! Why can’t people just get along together?”

Anyone that’s attempted to stop a schoolyard fight quickly learns that telling fighting students to “Just get along” doesn’t bring lasting peace. Any truce is temporary. Usually the violence resumes on the street after school. Sometimes with tragic results.

Where did violence begin? According to the Bible, the first act of violence happened just outside the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve’s son, Cain, killed his brother, Abel.

Ever since we have lived in a violent world. For all our education and refinement, the human race still celebrates and revels in violence. Do you want evidence? Just check out the latest movie ads. Or think about some of the most popular sports around the world.

Most sports are violent or produce violence (post-game fights and destructive victory “celebrations”). In fact violence and sports are so connected that even our jokes make light of it.

Years ago I lived near a large city known for its fighting hockey team. A frequently told joke was one that said a group of men got in a fight downtown and a hockey game broke out!

Sadly, the back-story behind many individuals on sports teams includes domestic violence.

OK, so there are a lot of angry people in the world. How bad is that anyway?

Bad enough to destroy civilization. In the book of Genesis, God told Noah to build an ark because a flood would destroy the earth. Why? Because “The earth is filled with violence.”

The Bible says God hates those who love violence. (Somehow I don’t think God is a big sports fan. I’m not saying all sports are evil. But some are evidence of our violent tendencies.)

So how can we ever have peace? It comes one person at a time. And it happens when that person enters into a personal, peaceful relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Jesus was one of the world’s greatest victims of violence. He suffered the most violent and painful execution man has yet devised--even though his judge said he was innocent!

Yet the record shows that Jesus was silent before his accusers. How was that possible?

The Bible says, “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate. Instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” Jesus knew that God’s justice would ultimately prevail. And he knew God’s plan would bring peace out of the violence he suffered.

Jesus could bring true peace because he had that peace. He said, “My peace I give you. Not as the world gives.” Jesus’ peace is not just the external absence of violence. It is an internal peace with God that allows one to be at peace with others.

Inner peace comes only when we give up trying to be our own savior through good works. It comes when we say, “Father forgive me and accept me, not because of what I have done but because of what Jesus Christ has done for me on the cross.”

The true peace process begins when we enter God’s kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ. Like Jesus, the most peaceful people in the world are those who entrust themselves to God.

To make peace we must first have peace. And the first step towards peace is turning to Jesus.

Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!

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