Do you like roller coasters? They’re quite a thrill. Especially the newer ones.
The Volcano was the last one I rode. First I was buckled in and held in place by a safety bar. My feet dangled in the air. Then the ride gained speed and shot us straight up out of a volcano-like opening. It was quite a thrill but the ride was over in less than a minute.
Lately it’s been a roller coaster ride if you have money in the stock market. Only it isn’t over yet—it’s like a wild ride that won’t stop!
Once I had a boss who had a lot of investments. Every day he studied the stock reports in the newspaper. If the market was up, he was happy. If it was down he was depressed.
That’s the way it is if your greatest hope is in riches. It makes you happy and sad.
“Now hold on just a minute,” you may say. “What’s wrong with having more money?”
Having money isn’t the problem. It’s whether or not your money has you.
Money is not moral or immoral in itself. God doesn’t condemn money but encourages us to use it wisely. Although some think the Bible says that money is the root of evil, that’s not true.
What the Bible says is that “The LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
It’s as if money becomes a counterfeit god demanding our complete devotion. Someone once observed that money is a wonderful servant but it makes a terrible taskmaster. And when you become its slave it ruins your life.
So what should we do? A person would have a difficult time living in this world without money–right?
Part of becoming a follower of Christ is learning to see the world from God’s perspective. One does that through reading the Bible. Not to learn its history but to learn its lessons.
For example, many see their job, their hard work or their investments as the source of wealth. However, in one of the most amazing verses in the Bible it says, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
Understanding that simple truth changes everything. A job, hard work and investments are still important. But the most important factor in life is God’s favor. It is he that gives us our mind, our strength and our health to go to work or manage our investments.
People that understand this are grateful. People that don’t become proud.
So God warns us: “Command those that are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share.”
The hand that grasps its possessions is not open to receive God’s blessings. But the hand that is open and shares freely is also open to be blessed.
Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow but to let tomorrow worry about itself. That’s why he taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven…give us this day our daily bread.” “Daily bread” means enough for today. And if you have enough to share, you are double blessed!
Do you like a wild ride? There’s one better than a roller coaster or the stock market. The most exciting ride in the world is to live every day on the edge of your faith, trusting God to supply your needs. When you do, you’ll never be disappointed.
Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!
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