How are you at keeping promises? A promise is only as reliable as the person that makes it. And let’s face it–some are more reliable than others.
Children believe if a parent promises them something, they MUST keep it. How often did you say to your parents, “But you PROMISED”? Now, if you’re a parent, your children say it to you.
Smart parents always leave themselves some ‘wiggle room.’ Instead of saying, “We’ll go for ice cream later” they say, “If you behave, we’ll go for ice cream later.”
Eventually we learn that some people break their promises. For instance, politicians will promise anything to get elected. Young men in love will often promise anything to win a girl’s heart. And once they get what they want, many conveniently ‘forget’ their promises.
Other people are known for keeping their promises. Even if it hurts them.
Which of those are you? Are you a promise keeper or a promise breaker?
“Now hold it, just a minute,” you may say. What’s the big deal over promises?”
Just this: The breakdown of keeping promises in a culture is directly related to that culture’s disintegration. According to a study in the Journal of Business Ethics, promise keeping is one of the ten universal moral rules of any society. We are only as good as our word.
Today up to half of all adults that get married and promise, “Till death us do part” don’t really mean it. What they should say is, “Till divorce us do part.”
Now I’m not saying that anyone should stay in an abusive or dangerous relationship. What I am saying is that we should think long and hard before we break a promise.
There was a day, not too long ago, when a handshake and a promise was all that was necessary for a business deal. Today it takes written contracts, lawyers and threats of lawsuits to keep some people honest!
“But,” you may protest, “circumstances I have no control over sometimes change and make it impossible to keep the promise.”
Perhaps. But my guess is that, more often than not, it was more inconvenient than impossible.
Others have good intentions but no follow through. You may have had a loved one or close friend promise, “I’ll never leave you.” Or they said, “I’ll love you forever.” But something happened or they met someone else and broke their word.
As someone once said, “The only think predictable about people is their unpredictability!” But there is one person that will always keep his promise, no matter what. That one is God.
You can take God at his word. He promises his children, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” And you can take that to the bank. Why? Because God not only knows all the circumstances that will come, he is in control of them, as well.
Christians no longer fear death because Jesus promised to prepare a place for them in heaven. Then he said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” And when he rose from the dead, he proved he could do it.
Perhaps you made a promise to God when you were younger. A promise to live for him. To follow Jesus and obey him. But since then you broke your promise. Is all lost?
Not at all. The Bible reminds us that God is patient. He is waiting for you to return to him. God says, “Return to me and I will return to you.” What a powerful promise!
Now it’s your turn. Swallow your pride, ‘Man up’ and return to God. I know you can do it.
Listen to the Bible; it’s great for your soul!
1 comment:
When we keep our promises we demonstrate integrity. Demonstrating integrity generates respect.
Deep down we all desire to be respected. I have found the more I work on keeping my promises the more influence I have with circumstances. Some may call it empowerment.
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